Scope & Sequence
Curriculum “B”
October 7 – October 11--Family Chapel
Story: David and Jonathan
Story Focus: God can help me do hard things.
Verses: 1 Samuel 18:1-4,1 Samuel 20:3-42
October 14 – October 18
Story: David Helps Mephibosheth
Story Focus: God can help me help others.
Verse: 1 Samuel 20:14-17
October 21 – October 25
Story: David Praises God
Story Focus: We can praise God because He helps us.
Verses: 2 Samuel 6:5, Psalm 14, Psalm 149, 2 Samuel 14
November Memory Verse
“I will give thanks to the LORD with my whole heart.”
Psalm 111:1
October 28 – November 1
Story Focus: I am thankful for God’s commandments.
Verse: Exodus 20
November 4-November 8​
Song: "Hey, I Can Pray"
Story: The Lord's Prayer
Story Focus: I am thankful I can pray
Verse: Matthew 6:9-13
November 11 – November 15--Family Chapel
Story: Ruth, Naomi, and Boaz
Story Focus: I am thankful for people who help me.
Verse: Ruth 1-2
November 22
Thanksgiving Feast & Sing--Open House 10:00 am
November 25-29
Thanksgiving/Fall Break! No School!
Happy Thanksgiving!
December Memory Verse
“God has given a son to us.”
Isaiah 9:6
December 2 – December 6
Story: The Angel and Mary
Story Focus: God told us He would give us Jesus
Verses: Luke 1:26-33, Luke 1:38, Luke 1:46-49
December 9 – December 13
Song: “Big Surprise”
Story: Jesus is Born
Story Focus: Jesus is Born
Verse: Luke 2:1-7
December 16 – December 19
Story: Happy Birthday Jesus
Story Focus: God gave us Jesus because He loves us.
Verse: Luke 2
December 20 (end of day) – January 7
Christmas Break
See You in January!
January Memory Verse
“With God all things are possible.”
Matthew 19:26
January 9 – January 10--Family Chapel
Story: Catching Fish
Story Focus: Jesus can do things we can’t.
Verse: Luke 5:1-7
January 13 – January 17
Story: Walking on Water
Story Focus: Jesus can do what is impossible.
Verse: Matthew 14:22-33
January 20 – January 24
Song: “Wherever I Go”
Story: Feeding 5,000
Story Focus: Nothing is too hard for Jesus.
Verse: Mark 6:31-44
January 27 – January 31
Song: “Wherever I Go”
Story: Woman at the Well
Story Focus: Jesus loves everyone.
Verse: John 4:1-30
February Memory Verse
“Love each other as I have loved you.”
John 15:12
February 3 – February 7--Family Chapel
Song: “Take Care of Me”
Story: Zacchaeus
Story Focus: Jesus loves us when we do something wrong.
Verse: Luke 19:1-10
February 10 – February 14
Song: “Take Care of Me”
Story: The Unloved Woman
Story Focus: Jesus loves us when no one else does.
Verse: John 8:2-11
February 17 – February 21
Song: “Take Care of Me”
Story: Peter’s Denial and Restoration
Story Focus: Jesus never stops loving us.
Verses: Matthew 26:31-35, John 21:15-17
February 24 – February 28
Song: “Take Care of Me”
Story: John the Baptist
Story Focus: John told people that Jesus is special.
Verses: Matthew 3:3-4, Matthew 11, Matthew 13-15​
March Memory Verse
“Come and follow me, Jesus said.”
Matthew 4:19
March 3 – March 7--Family Chapel
Song: “God Loves You and Me”
Story: Andrew and Peter; John and James
Story Focus: Jesus says, “Follow Me.”.
Verse: Matthew 4:18-22
March 17-21 – Spring Break!
March 25 – March 28
Story: Matthew (Tax Collector)
Story Focus: Anyone can follow Jesus.
Verse: Matthew 9:9-10
March 31 – April 4
Story: Palm Sunday
Story Focus: We celebrate Jesus because He is special.
Verses: Matthew 21:1-11, Matthew 15-16
April Memory Verse
“Go and make disciples of all nations.”
Matthew 28:19
April 7 – 11
Song: “Jesus is Alive”
Story: Easter
Story Focus: I can tell others Jesus is alive.
Verses: Matthew 26:20-30, Matthew 27:1-2, Matthew 28:1-7
April 14 – 17--Easter Celebration
Story Focus: People can change when they know Jesus.
Verses: Acts 9:1-20, Acts 13:9
April 21 – 25
Story Focus: I can tell others about Jesus even when it’s hard.
Verse: Acts 16:16-34
April 27 – May 2
Story Focus: Telling others about Jesus is the best gift I can give.
Verses: Acts 3:1-11, Acts 3:16​​​
May Memory Verse
“The plans of the Lord stand firm forever.”
Psalm 33:11
May 5 – 8
Story: Joseph Gets a Coat and Goes to Egypt
Story Focus: God has a plan for me.
Verses: Genesis 37, Jeremiah 1:5
May 8 – 12
Story Focus: I am a part of God’s plan.
Verse: Genesis 41
May 15 – 18
Story: Joseph Forgives
Story Focus: God’s plan is always best.
Verses: Genesis 42-45, Psalm 16:11